Body Cavities and Zero-Point Energy, or Proton Scaling Effects

Written by Peter Fraser, Founder, NES Health | Dec 30, 2020 3:06:52 PM

We must always look at how the energy of the body is set up in the first place, and cavities provide the mechanism. Cavity physics is the study of energy in enclosed spaces as these spaces can amplify and do other interesting things to energy.

It was the study of what is called black-body radiation of a cavity that led to the discovery of Planck’s constant and opened the road to quantum physics early in the twentieth century.

How Do Cavities Apply to the Human Body?

The body is structured around cavities. There are the three major cavities: cranial, thoracic, and abdominal.

Within these there are all kind of other cavities, at certain preferred scales. The organs and glands are cavity-like, as are the bones, the vessels, and so on.

Then there are the cells, which are cavities themselves and have further cavity-like structures internal or external to them.

Embryology is about the deployment of cavities. Cavity physics has relevance to the human body, although biologists never see this. Yet ancients did, such as those practicing traditional Chinese Medicine.

Body Cavities and Zero-Point Energy

What might the cavities be doing in term of energy and information in the body? Storing and resonating with zero-point energy (ZPE). Zero-point energy is the energy that is left when matter is cooled to its lowest energy state, at absolute zero.

All that is left then is the motion of so-called virtual quantum physics. This ZPE field has never been measured because it is everywhere and it creates no difference in potential, so measurement is not possible.

This energy does not flow. It’s just there as the “field of all fields”.

Recent studies have shown for the first time that zero-point energy can actually work to mediate DNA processes, such as the production of proteins. However, we call this energy in the E4L system “Source energy”, since we cannot be sure that it is ZPE.


Proving Energy Can Come from “Nowhere”

My experiment in terms of cavities was with a biologist and an electronics boffin in Australia. At a cost of hundreds of thousands of Australian dollars, I made a huge model of a hydrogen atom and then put an antenna in it to see if it was picking up energy from space.

We shielded it, of course, like a Faraday cage, but we still picked up very narrow bands at a frequency over 1 GHz.

They were narrow, purely “magnetic” spikes, forming a pattern above and below a low-carrier frequency. We considered the hydrogen molecules as a set of polar cavities in space. And we detected energy from nowhere!

We didn’t even know what we had, but the idea intrigued me – the idea of cavities attracting, storing and even turning in to some sort of magnetic energy.

I used the idea over many years to show how the human body-field could borrow energy from space if it had something like a co-axial resonator, as it is called in electronics. As I said, the body is full of cavities: cells, tubules, bags, sinuses, and organs.

There are some really important ones in the head called the cerebral vesicles. According to our theory, all of these structures are part of a resonating system that collects energy.

This collecting goes on up the anatomical scale too, in larger and larger structures, until we get to the three major cavities in the body – the cranial, thoracic and abdominal cavities.

Chemistry is based on quantum physics, which is all about energy transfer between photons, electrons and other waves. Light can also transfer energy inside a molecule and this has been the subject of major studying recent times by biophysicists.

Of course, light, the photon, is of major importance to physics, and quantum electrodynamics (QED) may be of major importance to biology.

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, of Germany, has consolidated the discovery that living cells, in the human body and in other organisms, emit ultra-weak light, a discovery originally made by Gurwitsch. That is an important development in the overall picture of an energetic structure that envelops and even directs the function of all living things. Professor Popp will be a long-remembered pioneer.

What is the Human Body-Field?

In my theory, there are several fundamental fields that must be present to create and support the human body-field. The human body-field is a special type of field that goes with all living things.

It is not exactly what Alexander Gurwitsch called a morphogenetic field way back in 1923, but I still like his ideas.

My theory identifies a complex structure to the body-field, so t is not an amorphous entity. In terms of quantum, I believe that living organisms represent a “special case” in biology of the use of fields and forces, be they quantum or not.

But let me get back to the specifics and list the minimum requirements of a body-field.

  • Zero-point energy. This could be related to proton scaling cause by the creation of a standing wave in space.
  • An electrostatic charge, which is created by ionized particles in solution (such as in cells) and the action potential of the elements of the nervous system.
  • Light, even in small amounts, of certain high-energy frequencies, both internal and external to the body.
  • Gravity and magnetism frequently, are found at once, which is why the so-called “earth energies”, such as those that contribute to geopathic stress and external magnetic fields such as the Schumann resonance, may have a slow, but profound effect upon the body via the body-field.
  • Magnetic confetti, a term I have borrowed from Dr. Bevan Reid, of Australia, who, like physicist Harold Aspden, believes that the electron has a magnetic capsule which can shatter.
    Information exchange takes place when an electron’s magnetic capsule is broken open through an interaction with a photon. These magnetic fragments, which Reid called magnetic confetti, may be left over from the exchange.

Molecular bond breaking, as in the forming and breaking of hydrogen bonds, in the body also may be the process by which magnetic confetti is generated in the body. However, I also believe that what Reid calls the electron’s “capsule” may actually be the electron’s spherical standing wave, which has a charge and forms the magnetic patterns in space, according to astrophysicist Milo Wolff’s space resonance theory.

As I said, whether or not this body-field is a QED field remains a huge question that we cannot yet absolutely answer. But we believe cavities are a big deal in terms of the biophysics of the body.

Explaining Cavity Energy and Communication

Think of musical instruments, which each has its own shape and so tunes energy differently. The body has its own musical score. Everything vibrates and has its own frequency; everything moves, from sub-atomic particles to molecule to cells.

The organs such as the heart and stomach, and so on, have their own movements, the blood flows – you get the idea.

Cavities, then, may attract and store other energies, and they store them for use by the body. They may even amplify or “tune” these energies at a certain frequency because of their particular structure or shape and movement. Where you get energy exchanges, you get information exchanges, which are the basis of the information regulation processes of the human body-field.

Now, all that said, there really is no good correspondence between the textbook conventional theories of quantum theory, like the standard model, and my theory of the human body-field.

Quantum physics is about energy transfer only, but the body-field appears to be concerned with both energy and information transfer.

Information transfer is key to E4L, as it is information transfer that allows Infoceuticals to be beneficial. By transferring the correct information, we can affect cavities, supporting health in a very direct way.