
Brain Hologram and Liberator Infoceuticals

Energy4Life was founded on decades of research into the energetic nature of the human body, into how energy is produced and controlled in order to drive all the activity of the body. For years, Energy4Life practitioners assessed and corrected this energy system – the body-field – based on a few core sets of “Infoceuticals” – remedies that restore the integrity of the body’s energy system.

People worldwide found that, by correcting this system, the body’s natural ability to defend and heal itself could kick back into gear. And the original Infoceuticals went a long, long way in doing so.

But in 2009, Energy4Life released five new Infoceuticals that represented a critical step forward in our ability to correct the human body-field and therefore the function of the physical body. These were what we call our four “Brain Hologram” Infoceuticals along with Liberator.

These five Infoceuticals have a central purpose of helping with the release of shocks and traumas – emotional events that were never fully processed and therefore continued to reside in and impact someone both emotionally and physically. By releasing and resolving past emotional issues, people tend to experience profound changes at many levels.

The Work of Dr. Ryke Hamer

The development of this new range of Infoceuticals was inspired by the work of Dr. Ryke Hamer in the latter part of the 20th century. This work suggests that when someone experiences a strong emotional event for which they have a limited coping strategy, that event becomes imprinted into the subconscious and can subsequently become a root source for health issues. Dr. Hamer found that these imprinted “shock/conflicts,” as they are known, can manifest as light-colored rings in brain CT scans.

Dr. Hamer went on to discover that the nature of the originating shock/conflict would determine where the rings appeared in the brain. Through extensive study, Hamer produced a series of brain maps identifying a range of specific shock/conflicts and where the corresponding rings would appear. From these maps, using a CT scan image, he was able to identify an originating shock/conflict solely based on the location of the rings within the brain.

Dr. Hamer extended his work to show that, for each of the shock/conflict regions in the brain, there is an associated ‘reflex’ or ‘relay’ area elsewhere in the body, and that physical pathology was likely to show in that area as a result of the originating shock/conflict. For instance, a trauma situation involving ‘not getting enough food’ would – according to Hamer’s model – disturb a specific region within the brain stem, and the associated organ for that region is the liver. So a ‘not getting enough food’ trauma could eventually manifest as a liver complaint, unless the originating conflict was resolved. So effectively, Hamer provided the link between emotional upsets and physical health conditions.

Because these conflicts reside in the subconscious, they need to be released at this level for corrections to take place, and this is the subtle and profound work of the brain hologram and Liberator Infoceuticals. Their work can be complemented by other emotional pattern releasing techniques such as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Matrix Reimprinting. These solutions are important because we cannot just consciously “decide” to let go of these imprinted events.

The subconscious nature of these emotional events presents another challenge to therapists and their clients: often we have no conscious memory to even guide us toward what needs to be released. Many of these events originate before birth or before we develop our conscious memory. Even those formed in later years may be completely unknown if the mind has buried the memory. We may be able to consciously observe unhealthy patterns in our lives that occur because of a shock/conflict, but this still may not lead us to knowing what the original event was.

The Energy4Life BWS software assessment, however, points us immediately to what needs support and clearing on the subconscious level, as the body-field it measures is precisely where these events are energetically stored. This is the subconscious nature of the body. Not only does the software guide us on what Infoceuticals are needed, but it digs into a level of detail inspired by Hamer’s work. In other words, it points to areas of the brain and its relay points in the body, showing the associated conflicts that need to be cleared.


Emotional Oscillators

Peter Fraser, co-founder of Energy4Life, spent decades researching and developing our body-field map and Infoceuticals. A respected professor and author on acupuncture, Fraser’s work in bioenergetics refined the historic understanding of acupuncture meridians; today’s “Energetic Integrators” are inspired by but somewhat different than the 12 primary meridians, and are seen as communication channels in the body.

In a similar way, while Hamer’s work inspired Fraser’s research into the impact of shocks / traumas on the brain and its relay points in the body, Fraser’s results show a lot of similarities but also some differences from Hamer’s findings. Thus we present our own details under our own terminology.

Fraser, for instance, found that an unresolved emotional event set up an “emotional oscillator” – an ongoing energetic spherical presence around which those light-colored “rings” could show in brain CT scans. Through exhaustive research, he identified how these disruptions altered other areas of the body through something he called the “morphic field.” He agreed with Hamer that this was associated with the germ layers from which the entire body develops, but from a bioenergetic perspective, there are specific details of the body-field through which these activities take place.

The practical result of this work is that we now have four brain hologram Infoceuticals, one for each of the germ layers. (Conventionally, there are three germ layers, but in this model, the mesoderm is broken into two layers, so we have a total of four.) Our BWS software guides us on which of these is needed at any given time. Liberator itself works more broadly – across all germ layers – but not as deeply as the brain holograms. Named for the idea of freeing someone from their past, this makes Liberator more of a generalist (and a favorite among Energy4Life practitioners) while the brain holograms can be considered specialists.

As an example, our “Brain Stem Hologram” Infoceutical addresses the energetic residue of emotional issues resulting from shocks of abandonment, anger, mistrust, being denied, loss of self control, and more.

How the Brain Hologram Infoceuticals Work

While Peter Fraser was in the process of developing these new Infoceuticals, he was able to verify his theory that the human body-field as a whole consists of three fundamental fields which he has called the morphic field, heart field, and matrix field. To understand how the brain hologram Infoceuticals work, it is necessary to have some understanding of these three fields. Here is a brief outline:

Morphic Field – Associated with the governing of shapes in the body covering the tiniest cells to the entire body. This field is also associated with the generation of healing messages via the Energetic Terrains and is the basis of the energetic immune system. All four of the brain holograms work within the morphic field, which is where subconscious emotions reside.

Matrix Field – The living fluid matrix, as it is sometimes termed, is formed from the connective tissue of the body and provides an interconnection highway for the transmission of body-field’s holographic messages. This highway allows instant communication between all parts of the body and is far faster and more comprehensive than the nervous system. The matrix contains the acupuncture meridians and provides the mechanism for carrying conscious emotions.

Heart Field – The heart produces a spectrum of different waves and fields ranging from electromagnetic waves to sounds (phonons) to physical pressure waves. It also activates the transfer of information around the body through the matrix. The heart field has an important role in synchronizing these three aspects of the body field to form a coherent, single body-field.

In health, these three fields will be synchronized (congruent, or in phase). If they get out of synch – something that can happen from emotional shock conflicts – then information transfer between them becomes disrupted and illness becomes imminent. The four brain holograms and Liberator are powerful Infoceuticals for removing these disruptions and assisting the heart in restoring proper synchronization throughout the human body-field. In this way, they help to restore proper function to the body.


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