Can NES Health Therapy Help with Food Sensitivities?

Written by Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health | Jun 23, 2021 5:02:02 PM

If you’re struggling with food sensitivities and are wondering whether Energy4Life therapies can assist, we’ll share a case study on this topic. But let’s open the topic by discussing food sensitivities in general.

Food sensitivities refer to a broad range of issues, including food intolerances that may be caused by a lack of enzymes to break down certain food types; they could be caused by intestinal permeability or an overactive or faulty immune system. In short, a food sensitivity could be caused by a number of things, but in the end, your body has responded in a negative way. Symptoms could include:

  • Stomach pain, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea
  • Headaches / Joint Pain
  • Acid reflux / heartburn
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Runny nose / sneezing
  • Tiredness / trouble sleeping
  • Trouble focusing
  • Mood changes
  • More

We want to draw a distinction between these sensitivities and food allergies. An allergy, which triggers an IgE-mediated immune response, is usually rapid and severe, to the point that it can be life threatening, as with anaphylactic shock. Food sensitivities, on the other hand, are non-IgE-mediated responses with various causes, and can take hours or days to create a response. In addition to the delay, responses are often more muted. So one can go for years eating foods that make them sick because they cannot identify the cause.

There are a number of food sensitivity tests one can take to show what foods are causing such a reaction, though even those run in labs are highly controversial from a conventional viewpoint. I would suggest that the most dangerous element of such tests, however, is the fact that people get the results and consider themselves allergic to those foods and may severely restrict their diets (even of healthy foods) and may believe they can never eat them again.

In the Energy4Life scan, we explain our food sensitivities test differently. First, we look at only the strongest reactions by the body-field to a food in question – something that is definitely throwing off the body’s energy control system. It may or may not be something manifesting as physical symptoms, but if someone is struggling with food sensitivity symptoms, these are foods one could try eliminating for a time to see if symptoms improve.

Since we don’t consider them allergies, we recommend eliminating them for 30 days to see results. If improvements are seen, you can try introducing one food back into your diet every few days. If at any point, symptoms return, then you can easily see what food was most recently entered back into the diet and what is at least, in part, causing an issue. This food may need to be removed from one’s diet for a longer period of time.

Of course ideally, as we correct the body’s control system – which at Energy4Life we support with the use of Infoceuticals and the E4L miHealth – one’s body can start to respond in a better way to certain foods, and at some point would allow someone to once again eat something that was previously a problem for them.

A Case Study of Gluten Sensitivity

That brings us to the following case study on gluten sensitivity. A girl was brought to see a E4L Practitioner to see if E4L bioenergetic therapy would help with eczema that was suspected to be caused by an intolerance to gluten. The mother wrote about her daughter:

“She was severely jaundiced at birth – hospitalized for four days, then sent home on the phototherapy. As an infant, she had an excess of spitting up, and often seemed uncomfortable. Since then, I suspected some type of intolerance. Once she was a toddler, the eczema developed. We were told to treat the eczema, but there was nothing we could do to prevent it and she would eventually outgrow it. When she turned five, I took a chance and removed gluten from her diet. Within one day, the eczema appeared better, and by three days it was noticeably improved. After 30 days of no eczema flare up (and) being off gluten, we reintroduced it (gluten). Within 30 hours she had her most severe flare up, which affected much more of her body than ever before. We then repeated the trial, with the eczema disappearing, then reappearing strongly once gluten was reintroduced.

“She stayed gluten free for the first round of her E4L protocol, and the eczema continued to disappear more and more. After 30 days, she was rescanned to find that the body-field distortions that had shown on the first scan were balanced, so we wanted to reintroduce the gluten again. We did, and have yet to see a return of the eczema.”

Did the E4L approach treat the eczema? No, with bioenergetics we don’t treat disease because we see symptoms only as signs that something needs to change in the body. What we focus on is making sure the body has enough energy to work with and that accurate communication is taking place in the body – that instructions are clear and getting where they’re needed. When you help the body to achieve this, it handles its own corrective processes.

Healing the Energy4Life Way 

So what did this therapeutic approach look like for this girl? She began with a rapid and non-invasive software-based health assessment. This shows where the body’s energy and communication systems are blocked or compromised. She was then provided with liquid remedies called Infoceuticals to restore proper energy and communication flow.

While we could speak in more detail about all the different pathways of communication, and how the body interacts with its environment, and so on … this simple explanation is the crux of how assessments and corrections are made.

The following is the Energy4Life practitioner’s explanation of his process with this girl (printed with permission):

* * * * *

On this young girl’s first scan, the primary distortions in her body-field were mainly in two of the “energetic drivers” (EDs), which provide energy to organs so they can work properly. When the driver field to an organ is distorted, the organ does not have adequate energy to work as nature intended. The two EDs that were most distorted were the Skin Driver field (ED10) and the Spleen Driver field (ED14).

Both showed in the “purple” range, which indicated a severe distortion that should be addressed immediately (but following the E4L protocol, which is beyond the scope of this study). The Skin Driver correlates with epithelial cells and mucous membranes, including the mucous membranes of the intestines, so this distortion was directly correlated to this child’s symptoms.

Likewise, the other severe distortion was directly correlated as well: the Spleen Driver relates bioenergetically to acquired immunity and antibody production, and to the functions of both the spleen and thymus.

The body-field also has information channels, rather like meridians, that in E4L are called “energetic integrators” (EIs). The EI in which there was evidence of a distortion was EI8, which correlates to an aspect of the liver field, and which, of course, is linked bioenergetically to detoxification. When an EI is distorted, information cannot flow properly from the body-field to the physical body and so the physical process controlled by that EI can become impeded. I also noticed bioenergetic distortions in EI7, which correlates to the small intestine, although this distortion was not as severe as the others.

The E4L scan reveals hundreds of correlations between the body-field and the body, with one of the screens covering the bioenergetic status of nutritional processes. A distortion on this screen does not mean an actual nutritional deficiency, but indicates that the body cannot use nutrients properly or has some other functional deficiency that is related to nutrition. On this screen the “gluten sensitivity” reading also showed in the severe range.

So, what we had in this first scan was a clear constellation of bioenergetic distortions that dovetailed with this girl’s problems. The Infoceuticals I chose to use in her first protocol addressed the three main body-field distortions of ED10 and 14, and EI8.

Upon follow up, the new scan showed that there were no longer distortions in these three areas of the body-field. This finding gave us the confidence to see how this child would tolerate gluten, and so her mother began to reintroduce it into her diet. As her mother wrote above, her daughter did not break out with eczema. Her intolerance to gluten appeared to have been taken care of with only one E4L protocol.

I am happy to report that three months later, the child continues to have no problems eating foods containing gluten and remains free of eczema. To sum up this anecdotal case, both the parents and I are happy with the outcome and with the idea of helping the body to heal itself in a natural and non-invasive way.

I want to mention that in this case there was no indication via conventional diagnosis of celiac disease, which is the extreme form of gluten intolerance. In most cases of eczema, there may be no identifiable offending substance. That gluten was suspected to be the problem with this child came about only because of the diligence of her parents, who used the process of elimination and careful observation to identify the culprit. While we cannot prove a direct cause-effect relationship, the clinical response suggests that there was one.

* * * * *

As with any symptomatic problem, food sensitivities can have a wide range of underlying causes. In some cases, it may be the physical makeup of the food itself (or perhaps chemicals involved in how it was grown or raised). In other cases, it could involve emotional responses to food, or with eating in general, or with eating in a certain environment / with certain people. In still other cases, there may be issues in the operation of the immune system or the lining of the digestive tract.

In all these instances, however, the body’s energy and communication systems are affected. As these actually drive the activity of the body and any symptoms involved, we seek to address these first. We often see remarkable results doing this alone, although we also encourage healthy lifestyle choices involving food, movement / exercise, sleep, etc.

So in the end, we make no direct claim about the benefits of Energy4Life with food sensitivities or any specific health condition. Rather, we ask whether there are fundamental issues with the body that are causing these. We support the body at this fundamental level. And we end up with stories from around the world about people who are being helped, and this fuels our mission to continue introducing bioenergetics to the world.