
The Hidden Forces of Health: A Journey through the Human Body's Energetic Drivers




The work of bioenergetics is centered around the theory of a human body-field. This posits that the body generates a field, providing for a wireless communication system that directs the activity of the body and allows it to act as a single unit in real-time.

To use an analogy, a computer has a physical structure (the hardware). But to function, it must be powered and its software code needs to be accurate. In a similar way, the human body that we can see and measure through traditional means could be thought of as our “hardware,” and it needs to be powered. In addition, cellular communication needs to be accurate and efficiently sent and received. This communication involves a kind of “software” in the body, which is related to aspects of the body-field such as energetic integrators and energetic terrains.

In this article, however, we’re exploring how the body’s hardware is powered through the human body-field, and this has to do with energetic drivers. At a cellular level, we can ask whether we’re producing enough ATP for cellular energy. But at the body-field level, we must ask how well that field is being produced.

Discovery of the Energetic Driver Theory:

The idea of a biofield, or a field generated by the body, has been discussed by many researchers over the years. But Professor Peter Fraser was the first to provide a complete map of the field, showing how it is impacted by its environment, how it is powered, how it communicates information, and more.

When Fraser first developed his theory of the human body-field, he did so from his background knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Having developed a university textbook on the topic, he was deeply familiar with the idea of meridian systems in the body – supposed channels for the flow of energy, or chi.

So his earliest days of exploring energy components of the body involved testing these familiar pathways. He was learning – through a concept in physics called “space resonance” – how different parts of the body could interact or communicate with one another. This was the basis of energetic integrator fields, which we talk about elsewhere.

At the time, however, he believed that these meridians were the basis for energy transfer in the body. But by 1999, his research started suggesting that the organs themselves generated energy, as TCM also implied.

As Fraser’s work continued, he confirmed that the heart produced by far the most energy. This was no surprise, as it is considered the Emperor in TCM, the center of everything in the body. But he soon found that all the organs produced fields, which we now refer to as energetic drivers (aka “drivers”). And collectively, these power the overall human body-field.

Initial Development of the Energetic Drivers:

In utero, the mother’s field is present in order to power the development of the embryo in its earliest stages; but eventually, as the organs develop within a fetus, their activity begins producing fields that support continued development and gradual individuation from the mother.

The stages of development show us the primacy of certain drivers over others, and in a clinical setting, one looks to support these fields in a similar order.

In bioenergetics, we consider “source driver” to be the master driver, helping to power all the other drivers. This has to do with the body’s ability to gather energy from its environment. While this needs a separate article to explore fully, it is likely that the shape of cells and their organelles play an important role potentially in drawing energy from the environment itself, and potentially in expanding layers of structured water in and around the cell. This water may, in turn, create a positive and negative charge separation, allowing for a battery effect that helps to power the body.

In any case, from a body-field standpoint, everything is powered to a degree by source driver, even as the organs generate additional power.

In the case of an embryo, its own initial cells begin their new life powered at least partly in this way. But its environment includes that of the vastly larger and stronger fields of the mother’s body, so its source energy likely derives from here as well.

Bioenergetics also views the heart in a unique way: not only playing a role in circulation but also imprinting information about the state of the body into the blood. An embryo in its early stages has no heart of its own to take on this important action. But again, we have an environment providing this service: the beating of the mother’s heart. This imprinting process produces another field we refer to as the heart imprinter driver.

And finally, while we have fields generated by the many organs, there is a generalized field produced by all the cells of the body, aptly called the cell driver. And this field is generated by the embryo’s own cells.

So clinically speaking, these are the driver fields one would give priority to, just as the body gives priority to them. And following embryological development, one would give next clinical priority to the nerve, circulation, and heart drivers, as these arise by week five of pregnancy, while other organs develop some time later.

Energetic Drivers and the Morphic Field:

While we can think of the human body-field as one collective unit, we can also discuss it in terms of its various parts and functions. For instance, the drivers help to power the field’s activity while “integrator” fields are involved in communication, “terrains” are involved in healing processes, and more.

But another view looks at three central fields that come together as one: the matrix field, the heart field, and the morphic field.

As one could deduce from its name, the latter has to do with the shape of the body. If this field goes wrong – as it especially can from emotional stress, shocks, and traumas – it can alter the shape of the body itself: diseases of inappropriate growths or wasting.

We just spoke of the importance of shape in regards to the generation of driver fields. And interestingly, Peter Fraser once wrote that “organ drivers are little morphic fields. So they make little corrections to everything.”

Since the organs produce these fields, if we can measure the strength of the field, we have an indication about the health of the organ itself. This is saying something! But to Fraser’s point, they go beyond telling about a single organ. In bioenergetics, the body is highly interrelated, and any given driver may direct us to support needed in a number of areas.

A prime example of this is the topic of immunity. Fraser struggled for years to understand how the immune system is switched on and off in specific areas of the body. He eventually discovered the role in emotional states and their impact on the body via the morphic field.

While the morphic field primarily has to do with the connection of the brain to the rest of the body through the germ layers we develop from, there is this relationship of drivers to the morphic field as well. (Especially true of the heart; Fraser said the germ layers all match to the energy of the heart.) And so it comes as no surprise that the driver fields energetically match to many elements of the immune system.

Happy Heart, Happy Life: 

While our purpose here isn’t to explore every driver field in detail, it seems useful to say a little more about the heart driver field. (Not to be confused with the heart imprinter driver, involved in stamping information into the blood.)

Again, if we look at three primary fields of the overall body-field, one of these is the heart field, and we relate this primarily to the heart driver. This is why it was one of Fraser’s favorite fields to discuss.

One of his great discoveries was about “heart phase.” Without exploring the entire topic, suffice it to say that he discovered the heart field could be spun out of phase, having to do with the alignment of frequency patterns. This brings it out of sync with the integrator fields, or the body’s communication system, leading to health problems.

While no doubt interrupting fields and toxins can disrupt the heart field in this way, Fraser discovered that negative emotions did so as well, and that positive emotions provided a corrective spin. Correcting the imprinter driver also strongly supports a correction of the heart’s spin.

“The heart,” felt Fraser, “should be considered the basis of healing.” A positive outlook on life can play an important role here. Those who tend toward negative outlooks, thought Fraser, may need more frequent support for the fields related to the heart. This is supported by research done by the HeartMath Institute, who says, “Learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform.”


There is much to say on each energetic driver in the human body-field theory. Of which, in the current system, there are 16 fields normally considered drivers. At a high level, when we want to remember their role, they power the activity of the field. Efficient and accurate communication in the body are paramount, and involve other systems; but these systems cannot work without the presence and health of the drivers.


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