How To Improve Gut-Brain Communication Through Bioenergetics

Written by NES Health | Nov 25, 2023 7:57:14 PM

The gut is widely known as the “second brain.” 

If you’re having digestive issues, you might also be facing brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, and a raft of related symptoms. 

When your body-field – the invisible human energy field running throughout your body – is out of balance, gut-brain communication may break down.

We’re going to explore whether bioenergetics can improve gut-brain communication, and give you specific steps for restoring gut-brain health. 

How do the gut and brain communicate?

The gut and brain communicate through a two-way path known as the gut-brain axis, which involves the nervous system, hormone signals, and immune system interactions.

Let’s look at the five key mechanisms of communication between the gut and brain…


  1. The vagus nerve.

    The vagus nerve is a major nerve pathway connecting the gut and brain.

    It’s the longest cranial nerve and carries signals both ways between your gut and brain.

    The gut sends sensory information to the brain via the vagus nerve, and the brain sends signals that influence gut function.


  1. The enteric nervous system (ENS).

    The enteric nervous system is the exact part of the gut that’s the “second brain.”

    It’s made up of a complex network of neurons lining the gastrointestinal tract.

    The ENS can independently control many aspects of gut function, but it also communicates with the central nervous system (CNS) through the vagus nerve.

  2. Hormonal signaling.

    The gut produces hormones that act as chemical messengers to communicate with the brain.

    For example, the hormone serotonin is produced in large quantities in the gut and plays a big role in regulating mood.

    Other gut hormones, like ghrelin and peptide YY, can affect appetite and food intake.

  3. The immune system.

    The gut and brain also communicate through immune system interactions.

    Immune cells and molecules can travel between the gut and brain, influencing inflammation and immune responses.

    Gut inflammation has been linked to conditions like depression and anxiety.

  4. The microbiota.

    The gut is home to a large community of microorganisms known as gut microbiota.

    The microbiota produce metabolites and chemicals that affect the function of the gut and brain.

    These metabolites can enter the bloodstream and interact with the central nervous system, influencing behavior and cognitive health.

The communication between the gut and brain is complex and still an area of active research. Understanding the gut-brain axis is crucial, since it plays a significant role in digestion, energy, mood, cognition, and overall well-being.

What happens when the gut and brain are not communicating effectively?

When communication between the gut and brain is disrupted, it can lead to various health issues.

Here are some examples…

Gastrointestinal disorders.

Communication breakdown between the gut and brain can contribute to the development or worsening of gastrointestinal disorders.

Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and functional dyspepsia have been linked to gut-brain disruptions.

Symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and changes in bowel habits.

Mental health disorders.

Interruptions in gut-brain communication have been linked to mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and even neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease.

The gut microbiota, gut hormones, and inflammatory signals from the gut can influence neurotransmitter levels, impacting mood regulation and cognitive function.

Food intake and metabolism changes.

Effective gut-brain communication plays a role in regulating appetite and food intake.

When communication breaks down, it can lead to problems with appetite control, overeating, or undereating, which can contribute to unwanted weight gain or loss, eating disorders, or metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes.

Immune system dysregulation.

The gut and brain communicate through immune system interactions, and a disruption in this communication can affect immune function.4

Altered gut-brain communication can contribute to chronic low-grade inflammation, which has been linked to hundreds of symptoms and health conditions, including weight gain, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Cognitive function and brain health changes.

Effective communication between the gut and brain is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function and brain health.

Disruptions in gut-brain communication have been linked to cognitive impairments, including difficulties with memory, attention, and concentration.

It's important to note that the relationship between the gut and brain is multifaceted, and the mechanisms underlying gut-brain disorders are still being studied.

However, it’s clear that when the gut and brain are not communicating effectively, it can have a significant impact on both physical and mental well-being.

How Bioenergetics Can Improve Gut-Brain Communication

Bioenergetics refers to the study of energy within living organisms, with a focus on creating more mitochondria – our energy drivers – in the cells. 

Improving energy metabolism and mitochondrial function may improve gut-brain communication.

Here's how…

Mitochondrial function.

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cells, and play a crucial role in energy production.

Dysfunction in mitochondrial function can lead to oxidative stress and lowered cellular energy metabolism.7

Emerging evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction in the gut can impact gut-brain communication and contribute to gastrointestinal disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.8

Improving mitochondrial function through bioenergetic approaches, like the NES Infoceuticals, miHealth, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and personalized meditations, may support proper gut-brain axis functioning.

Inflammation regulation.

Bioenergetic interventions may lower inflammation, which is closely linked to gut-brain communication.9

Chronic low-grade inflammation in the gut can disrupt the gut-brain axis and reduce gut-brain communication.

Approaches that support mitochondrial function and cellular energy metabolism, – like regular exercise and an anti-inflammatory diet – may reduce inflammation throughout the body.

When inflammation cools down, gut-brain communication often improves.

Neurotransmitter production.

Neurotransmitters are essential chemical messengers involved in brain function and communication.

Some neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, like serotonin, which plays a big role in mood regulation.

Bioenergetics can support optimal energy metabolism, and has the potential to improve neurotransmitter production and communication. 

Microbiota modulation.

The gut microbiota, which plays a crucial role in gut-brain communication, relies on an appropriate energy supply for optimal function.

Imbalances in the gut microbiota, often referred to as dysbiosis, can impact gut-brain communication.

Bioenergetic interventions can restore a healthy gut microbiota, since tools like Infoceuticals work to bring the body-field back into balance and improve energetic health, which impacts physical health.10

An improvement in gut health can support gut-brain communication.

If you’re seeking personalized support, you may want to work with a
NES Practitioner for advice on the specific bioenergetic interventions that are best for you.

How To Use Bioenergetics To Improve Gut-Brain Communication

Bioenergetics has the potential to improve gut-brain communication by balancing energy throughout the body.

Let’s look more closely at specific steps you can take to support gut-brain communication through bioenergetics…

  1. Balanced, customized diet.

    Eating a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of whole foods, customized for your unique body, gives you the essential nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals necessary for cellular energy production, gut-brain communication, and overall health.

    Consider incorporating foods rich in nutrients like B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants, since they’re involved in energy metabolism, which supports gut and brain health.

    A NES Practitioner can help you find the specific dietary approach that will serve you best. 

  2. Mitochondrial support.

    Mitochondria are crucial for cellular energy production.

    You can support mitochondrial function through regular exercise, NES Infoceuticals, the miHealth device, proper sleep, personalized meditations, and plenty of time in nature. 

    It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new routine, especially if you’re considering major dietary changes or supplements.

  3. Regular exercise.

    Regular physical activity can improve gut and brain health, and therefore, gut-brain communication.

    Exercise has been linked to improved cognitive function, reduced inflammation, and increased gut microbiota diversity.

    Aim for a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and movement that promotes flexibility and balance, like stretching or yoga.

  4. Stress management.

    Chronic stress can reduce gut-brain communication.

    When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, your brain sends signals to the gut which can result in digestive stress like bloating or diarrhea.

    It can be very helpful to incorporate stress management techniques into your routine, like personalized meditations, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and pure relaxation.

    Finding healthy outlets for stress can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms and improve gut-brain communication.

  5. Sleep hygiene.

    Prioritize good sleep habits to support overall health, including gut-brain communication.

    Aim for a consistent sleep schedule, create a quiet, sleep-friendly environment, and practice relaxation techniques before bed.

    Sufficient quality sleep is essential for brain function, hormonal balance, and gut health.

  6. Gut-healthy practices.

    Support a healthy gut microbiota by eating prebiotic-rich foods, like fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and probiotic-rich foods, like sauerkraut, yogurt, or kimchi.

    Prebiotics and probiotics can help support healthy gut bacteria and promote a balanced gut environment, improving gut-health communication.

    Remember, everyone has different dietary needs. Work prebiotics and probiotics into your meals within the context of your personalized approach.

  7. Limit factors that weaken gut health.

    Consuming processed foods, added sugars, unhealthy fats, alcohol, or too much caffeine may negatively impact gut health and decrease gut-brain communication.

    This can disrupt your microbial balance and contribute to inflammation and gut dysfunction.


Remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

A NES Practitioner can help you evaluate your gut health and gut-brain communication through the E4L Bioenergetics Wellness System. 

Do you struggle with digestive issues, brain fog, or anxiety?

You don’t have to suffer alone.

Bioenergetics has huge potential to improve gut health and gut-brain communication.