

Mind-Body Connections of Energetic Drivers 13-16

Energy4Life acknowledges a strong connection between the mind and body. We know that one’s inner journey influences how energy...

By NES Health
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What is a Bioenergetic Assessment and What Types are There?

When it comes to health, nutrition and pharmaceutical medicine both have their roles. The former provides the physical building...

By Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health
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Crystal Healing and Bioenergetics: How Crystals May Actually Work

Crystal healing has become popular among those seeking alternative or complementary options on their journey to health and...

By Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health
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Can NES Health Therapy Help with Food Sensitivities?

If you’re struggling with food sensitivities and are wondering whether Energy4Life therapies can assist, we’ll share a case study...

By Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health
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Can You Use Bioenegetics to Cure [Name that Disease]?

When they’re first exploring what Energy4Life is all about, we often have practitioners asking us how they can help clients with...

By Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health
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How an E4L Scan Analyzes Your Body-Field

Imagine having a window into the unseen energetic and informational dimensions of your body-field. The E4L Bioenergetics Wellness...

By NES Health
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Energetic Terrain Theory

Throughout 2020 and 2021, we were hammered with the idea that a virus was the cause of many of the world's woes. The virus was...

By Steve McCardell, Director of Education, NES Health
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Is structured water real?

Most of us have probably had someone remind us to “get plenty of water”. "Make sure you're drinking 6-8 glasses of water every...

By NES Health
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