

What's Wrong With My E4L Scan?

So you've had your first scan... or your second... third... thirtieth and something seems really off. 

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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The Secret to a Strong Immune System You've Never Heard Of

Ever wonder why some people seem to be healthy without doing much at all?

There's that person that makes it through the winter,...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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The Heart’s Hidden Health Importance

Your heart is more important than you realize.

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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How Can an E4L Scanner Detect Your Body’s Energy Fields?

X-rays are easy to understand. So are MRIs. 

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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What Is the E4L miHealth?

As powerful as the Infoceuticals are for deep, corrective work, we needed something different to help people with physical...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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Hormesis: Stress is Necessary for Growth

Stress. Just seeing the word might give you anxiety. It's not a word we like to see and it's especially not one we like to...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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Infoceutical® Solutions: Structured Water Taken to the Next Level

Discovering energy blockages in the body-field was the easy part. It was just a matter of finding areas that didn't have the...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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What E4L Scans For in Your Body

The holistic nature of our bioenergetic assessment is what makes it so empowering. 

For starters, it doesn’t just look at someone...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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The Advantage of a Body-field Scan Over Allopathic Medicine

You likely know abody-field scantakes just a few seconds. After all, it's one of the biggest benefits. You get a quick,...

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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The Real Reason You Need to Avoid EMFs

Renowned cell biologist Bruce Lipton explains that the cell membrane is the brain of the cell. 

By Harry Massey, Founder, NES Health
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