
Theory of the Human Body-Field




Bioenergetics stands as an evolution in human health specifically because it takes what we normally observe and treat in health – the body’s chemistry – and goes to its roots in physics, which leads into the topic of energy and its frequencies.

Fields and Spherical Standing Waves: 

Bioenergetics stands as an evolution in human health specifically because it takes what we normally observe and treat in health – the body’s chemistry – and goes to its roots in physics, which leads into the topic of energy and its frequencies.

Standing Wave Theory

Wolff suggested that there are only three fundamental particles – the proton, electron, and neutron – and introduced a universal field of spherical standing waves at immensely high frequency, as predicted by de Broglie, a Nobel Prize winning physicist of the 1920s. This was associated with the electron, but the idea has since expanded to include all three of the fundamental particles.

In fact, what is inferred by the term particle is simply the central point of a spherical standing wave, where inbound and outbound frequencies meet; a point of high pressure, one could say. This point gives the appearance of a particle, when in fact the vibration of space itself, or the vibration of a field, is the underlying reality.

Within this concept, outbound frequencies carry information about the individual electron to the entire electron field while inbound frequencies receive information about the field into the electron.

This means that all electrons are in communication via a singular field at all times, just as protons and neutrons also would be in their own fields. This communication is instantaneous at any distance. All of this occurs through shared resonance within those fields.

Given the primacy of the electron in biochemistry, bioenergetics first took a special interest in Wolff’s electron field. However, the proton field appears related to gravity, which plays an important role in bioenergetics, as well.

According to Wolff, all other so-called subatomic particles are also “appearances.” That is, they represent interactions between the three primary fields. As those fields interact and create “appearances” – which can be thought of as the elements of our world – they form unique combinations of their spherical standing waves in space.

For instance, a hydrogen atom represents the interaction of standing waves between one electron and one proton; thus, it has its own unique frequency combination, or “energy signature.” Wolff’s term, “space resonance,” represents this idea as well.

Everything in the universe has its own signature. Yet everything, from the simple to the complex, stems from the same basic fields. Therefore everything has commonality and shares resonance to one degree or another. Bioenergetics proposes that elements with especially strong matches in their resonance can and do instantly communicate information at any distance. As a result, there exists a mechanism for a wireless communication system that operates alongside the wired systems of chemistry, whether they be hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.

Researchers in fact have started recognizing such a wireless system, although they may not understand how it works. A recent study shows wireless communication in the brain, even across areas that have been surgically severed. An interesting summary of the study and its implications can be found in this article, published by

Rise of the Human Body-Field

This brings us to the body itself, in which every organelle, cell, and organ has its own space resonance, or biosignature, which not only provides for communication between each specific part of the body. It also communicates between various parts of the body, as long as they share adequate resonance.

Basing his work on these theories in physics, and guided by his own knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, Professor Peter Fraser developed a method to determine where such resonance existed in the body. His tests found a change in electrical conductance when space resonances between two objects matched. Over the course of decades, Fraser meticulously explored these matches to map out in detail what he coined the human body-field.

This electrical phenomenon is not so surprising in retrospect. Electrons communicate via virtual photons, or light. Ultimately, Fraser believed the body-field to be composed not only of electron and proton fields, but also of the electromagnetic field, allowing communication via both space resonance and light.

That said, there is a chicken-and-egg situation involving the body-field and the body’s chemistry. While fields initially generate matter and drive biochemistry, chemical actions in the body, including activities of the cells and organs, help to power the collective body-field.  Simply put, the body’s chemistry powers the field, which unifies and guides this activity, which further powers the field.

In fact, Fraser believed the body-field needs all of the following conditions to exist:

  • An electrostatic charge. This is created by ionized particles in solution (such as in cells) and the action potential of the elements of the nervous system.
  • Light, both internal and external to the body. This is supported by the work of biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, who researched the ultraweak light produced by cells, known as biophotons.
  • Gravity and at least a weak source of magnetism, which are two of Earth’s “big fields” discussed in bioenergetics (the third having to do with the earth’s spin).
  • Magnetic confetti. This is a term to describe the information exchange between electrons. It is a physics principle based on the idea that such an exchange takes place when an electron’s spherical standing wave – which has a charge and forms magnetic patterns in space – is disrupted by a photon, or light. As already noted, electrons exchange virtual photons as they interact, so this is happening all the time.

Fraser especially saw gas exchange as a source of magnetic confetti, pointing to the important role of the lungs and general cellular respiration in producing the human body-field. Thus he saw a special role, in this regard, for two fields in particular: energetic integrator 2 (related to heart and lungs) and energetic integrator 10 (related to circulation). These integrator fields are information or communication pathways closely associated with corresponding meridians of traditional Chinese medicine.

We should further add that cavities may play an important role in powering the human body-field. A rightly tuned cavity has a specific resonance (like a well crafted violin), and there is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine that chi (what one might call Source energy) accumulates in the body’s large cavities – pelvic, abdominal, and chest cavities – perhaps directly from what some have called the “zero point” field. Fraser considered the head to be another major cavity as well.

If we understand that space is primal, and that interacting frequencies bring “matter” into being, this seems plausible as another energy source for the body-field. It is possible to go further and propose that all cavities in the body, down to certain organelles, have the potential to accumulate energy in this way; and due to their sheer numbers, potentially much more energy than we would find from larger cavities.

A Preferred Flow of Information:

Bioenergetic theory tells us that there is an order to information; a preferred flow for energy to follow and produce chemical activity. Because of this, conception is followed by growth of a body in a predictable way, so long as the field is not disrupted (as it can be by other fields, emotional events, and toxins, for instance). As the DNA of mother and father come together, a new human DNA is formed. The DNA effectively communicates with information existing in the space around us – the collective human field – to drive development. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake discusses this at length in his work relating to morphogenetic fields.

Bodies develop in a certain sequence and healing prefers the same route. Thus, in the future of medicine, we expect to see healing protocols begin by aligning the individual human field with fields generated by the earth, as well as supporting a slightly negative charge to the body and an adequate charge to organs in a certain order (according to what we call energetic drivers). Once the field is supported in this way, one can begin to address the body’s “software” or communication system (the energetic integrators) to ensure correct and efficient activity in the body.

Parts of the Body-Field: 

Given that every cell and every part of a cell produces a field, there are countless individual fields throughout the body. Collectively, these fields can be thought of as a single body-field, but there are other ways to look at this organization as well.

  • Together, all the fields of the cells can be thought of as a “Cell Driver.” Individual organs also have their own driver fields, powering the activity of the body-field.
  • There are communication pathways between organs and systems. These are known as energetic integrators, which are closely related to acupuncture meridians.
  • There are communication pathways for healing processes, related to various tissues and the pathogens that accumulate in them. These pathways are energetic terrains, which are based on unique alignments of divergent meridians.
  • There are more subtle metabolic pathways, as well, known as energetic stars. One can think of these as back up pathways, and will be discussed elsewhere.

This is one general approach to discussing the body-field in more detail. Peter Fraser also discussed three primary fields making up the overall body-field. Fraser referred to these as:

  • Matrix field – related to a superconductive information system based on the body’s connective tissue (including blood and lymph), and connected to conscious emotions. This idea was introduced to the bioenergetic world by biologist James Oschman.
  • Heart field – a field generated by the heart and playing a central role in tying things together, including the matrix and morphic fields. The heart also plays a key role in imprinting new information into the body.

    Fraser saw the body-field as having holographic properties. As holograms require two sources of light, he proposed that the two sides of the heart may provide a mechanism for producing the hologram.

    “I should also like to ask you to consider why it is that the septum of the heart closes up at birth in just a few hours,” Fraser once wrote. “While there is one heart, there is no hologram being set up. But when the heart closes its septum there is a double heart, and therefore the hologram is created for the body-field of a new life. Your hologram is set up at birth, even though the morphic field that is imprinted on it begins [shortly] after conception.”

Morphic field – related to the three germ layers from which the body develops, connecting the brain to all other parts of the body and relating to subconscious emotions. This field is also connected to DNA and RNA. It gives the body its shape; therefore, disruption to the morphic field can potentially cause either growth or wasting of various types. This field is disturbed by shock and trauma, which is the reason that suppressed emotions can eventually manifest as physical problems throughout the body.

Fraser further delineated the morphic field into upper and lower morphic fields, each of which he divides into four quadrants. Although this goes beyond the discussion here, aligning the body to Earth’s “big fields” is meant to assist with the alignment of these quadrants as well.

Showing the many ways you can break a hologram into meaningful divisions, Fraser also brought the topic of global scaling to bear: “We have three levels of the morphic field,” he said: “the large organs (like the lungs and the brain), the medium-sized organs (the heart, kidneys, and liver), then the small organs – sensory organs, gonads. Another system starts with the cellular level as the biggest level, going to organelles of the cell, then to the level of proteins. Three levels again of the morphic field.”

Space Resonance - Not Frequency: 

The concept of the body-field relies on qualities of space itself, which are not widely understood. Chief among these is its ability to represent a sort of blueprint for the presence and activity of energy, which is the basis of matter.

This blueprint comes from the fluctuations of space and relationships of fundamental fields, providing complex frequency sets, rather than single frequencies of complex forms. These are so complex that they are not thought of as individual frequencies, but as space resonances, or “energy signatures.”

Thus, while bioenergetics may make use of measurable frequencies through certain technologies, it dives much deeper. It considers the structure of space and complex frequency patterns. And in fact, it considers any influence on the human body that begins in physics, in the very way energy and information behave.

As we move towards the future of human health and incorporate knowledge of the human body-field, it is important to go beyond frequency like this. Assessing and correcting the body-field involves space resonance matching. Peter Fraser’s research laid the groundwork to do just that. Fraser’s work serves as a foundation for future work to come in the field of bioenergetics, as we continue to pursue more effective ways to recover health and restore energy.


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