Archived Content for Original miHealth



Click the links below to download useful information on using the miHealth. Also see the manu useful videos below:

  • Benefits of the NES miHealth - shows what is unique about this powerful device; why nothing else in the marketplace offers what it does
  • Quick Start Guide to the NES miHealth - this provides you with the basics of what the miHealth is, how to run it both on body and off body, how to set session timing, what the settings do, and how to choose several settings for an entire session. (In other words, how to create your own protocol to fit a situation.) It gives you the easiest way to start using the miHealth
  • NES miHealth Manual
  • Energetic Rejuvenators Quick Reference Chart - Provides a list of all ERs, including their associated Integrators and Brain Holograms where applicable.
  • miHealth Functions Chart - This chart explains When, Where, and How to use the specific functions on your device
  • miHealth General Function Protocols Chart - Simple overview to get you comfortable using the miHealth for common imbalances.
  • miHealth Focused Function Protocols Chart - Protocols are a series of functions used in a specific order to provide support for specific situations. This chart provides an understanding of 50 protocols you can use for anything from general discomfort to emotional shock. Please note, there are no hard and fast rules about using one protocol for a situation, but these can help to get you started.
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Inserting the miHealth Battery

Setting the miHealth Timer

Recalibrating the miHealth Screen:

Recalibrating the miHealth Electrodes:

Resetting the miHealth:

Selecting a miHealth Function:

Using a miHealth Function:


miHealth Broadcast Mode:

miHealth Techniques: