Practitioner Testimonials

Hear what Healthcare Practitioners are saying about Energy4Life

Here’s what some medical and alternative health practitioners think about Energy4Life, our Bioenergetics Wellness System, and its component health products:







By incorporating the Energy4Life system into my practice, I have learned to streamline my processes of tedious work and transitioned to trusting the scan in identifying MRT (Muscle Response Testing) points to provide support to my clients. Within seconds I am able to acquire the results that once took me time and energy to obtain. Spending time on solutions is way more productive for my clients, than spending most of my time in a consultation testing and investigating. The system has allowed me a working smarter not harder concept, yet still obtain phenomenal results and then some with my clients. For the past 10 years, this bioenergetic system has been instrumental in the key to success within my practice.

Dr. Jaime Doise BCND, CHHP, CNHP

“Since adding Energy4Life to my practice, I have continued to demonstrate time and time again the power of quantum wellness, the power of the scan, and that the scan is never wrong. It can truly offer insights into the body, both mind and physical wellbeing that the medical community cannot comprehend often, nor understand. It truly is a remarkable system.”

Dr. Susan Bostian, Integrative Health and Nutrition


“I like the accuracy, the effectiveness and the simplicity, but most of all I like the safety. The safety factor is huge. There are no side effects to the Infoceuticals.”

Ron Minson, Energy4Life Practitioner, USA


“I became an Energy4Life practitioner to take my wellbeing into my own hands after suffering from chronic pain for 9 years, yet the more I learned about my own energetic body and experienced the benefits of the BWS, the more I felt an urge to share it with the world. It is truly a rewarding job that has allowed me to find my purpose in life.”

Maximilian Waid, Energy4Life Practitioner, USA


“Probably my greatest Energy4Life testimony is a client that had a severe auto-immune disease and after being on E4L for less than two years she no longer takes medication, is able to work and has a normal life and best of all her Doctor gave her a clean bill of health.”

Deborah Holt, Nutritional Counselor


"In 2004, I was introduced to Energy4Life system by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey. Their presentation took me beyond what I already knew about natural medicine, so I was sold on Energy4Life immediately. Since then, Energy4Life, with its amazing science and technology, became an integral part of my clinical work and my personal health regimen. E4L allowed me to take better care of myself, my extended family, and my patients empowering myself and then on our healing journey.”

Lydia Hackett-Jones, Homeopath


“I have been working with the E4L miHealth for the last two months – and the reaction from my clients has been overwhelmingly positive. And interestingly, since I’ve started using the device, a lot of new clients have come to my practice asking for a session with the E4L miHealth, having heard about their good results from family and friends”.

Rian Bruijne van Dorst, Energy4Life Practitioner, Netherlands


“E4L has given me not only the knowledge and skills to truly affect change in others health but also the confidence to go out into the world and make my dreams come true. I am so proud to be a E4L practitioner. My practice is based on serving others and contributing to the world in my small way with an open heart and a keen mind.”

Jinanjalie Dissanayake, Energy4Life Practitioner, Australia


“I am an ex-clinical pharmacist and I used to work for the world’s biggest pharmaceutical company as a clinical research associate. Following my own experiences with E4L ProVision, I have taken the next step forward and have started working with the E4L miHealth device. I am now working across Europe with doctors and therapists to help integrate this next quantum leap into their everyday practice.

The E4L miHealth is a device that brings us back to our real human potential.”

Jacques Bauer, Energy4Life Practitioner, France


“I’m an Osteomyologist and I work at a chiropractic clinic. I have been using the E4L miHealth with clients who are very sensitive to touch and who simply can’t cope with deep massage work. What I’ve been looking for is a device that can do for my clients “off body”, what I would normally do with them through physical massage. In the E4L miHealth, I’ve found exactly the device I need.”

Carina Di Battista, Osteomyologist, UK


“Thanks to Energy4Life, my energy has skyrocketed and I am accomplishing more than I have in years.”

Linda Sellers, Energy4Life Practitioner, USA


If you are a client looking to explore the benefits of Energy4Life, please visit our pages dedicated to helping Consumers. There we explain what you can expect to experience with our Bioenergetics Wellness System, how it works to help you heal, and the benefits to you when you work with a Certified E4L Practitioner.

You can find an E4L Practitioner close to you by visiting our Practitioner Locator