How Energy4Life Technologies Work with the Energy of the Body
The Energy4Life Bioenergetic Wellness System (BWS) is designed to read, communicate with, and stimulate a change in the body's energy control system, which we call the body-field. This system drives all the activity of the body, which is why our "energy" assessment feels so accurate to one's health concerns and why our products can have such powerful effects on how someone feels.
The BWS does this work with 3 incredible tools:
- Our bioenergetic assessment, which looks at how energy and information are flowing in the body and looks for areas that need support. In short, the body needs enough power and accurate communication to operate the way it's meant to. We're able to see where it is underpowered or communicating poorly, and our practitioners use our miHealth and Infoceuticals to support those areas.
- Our bioelectric device with real-time biofeedback, called the miHealth, can jump start the correction process when used in clinic with a client. Optionally, clients can order their own miHealth from their practitioner and use it daily based on scan results, or simply to address a broad range of issues that can arise at any time.
- Our liquid remedies, called Infoceuticals, carry the information that should be present in the body-field to drive proper activity in the body. When distortions occur to this information, things begin to break down in the body. Essentially, the body is continually rebuilding itself, and when its blueprint is inaccurate, it rebuilds problems. Infoceuticals act as a guidance system, using resonance to restore integrity to the body-field, allowing the body to rebuild itself correctly.
Want more details? Read on for a deeper dive.
How Scanning Works
Professor Peter Fraser, who co-founded NES Health (now Energy4Life), spent decades exploring how energy and information flow in the body to maintain health. While you can read the details in books like his Energy & Information in Nature, he effectively found that everything has its own vibrational signature, and that communication takes place through resonant vibrations. These are not simple, single-frequency vibrations, but whole sets of frequencies based on all the energy present in a cell, organ, or system.
Underlying these complex frequency sets, however, are more fundamental frequencies, which gives frequency similarities. This allows things that appear to be different to still have similarities that allow them to "speak" via resonance. When two different things are resonant in this way, we say that they have a "match."
This appears to be the basis of the meridian pathways of traditional Chinese medicine. Our research has found some differences in terms of all the connections on these meridians, but also confirmed a lot of the traditional view. We do not see these only as energy pathways, but information pathways, essentially setting up an instantaneous wireless communication system in the body.
Using specialized electronic equipment, Peter was able to find mathematical codes that "matched" with different elements of a healthy body-field -- i.e., a control system for the body that was well powered and where all elements were communicating accurately.
As you may know radio waves (frequencies) carry information that allows a radio to turn the waves into music. In a similar way, the energy of the body generates waves that carry information about our body. The sound waves of the voice do the same.
Because of this, we can record information of the body from either touch (because the body emits these waves) or the voice and then compare the results with our math codes in the software. A healthy body-field should match these codes. If we don't see a match, we know that area of the body-field needs support.
How the miHealth Works
miHealth is an incredible technology that won the CAM [Complementary and Alternative Medicine] Magazine device of the year award and was featured on The Doctors show. It combines the best of several technologies and then leaps forward with proprietary features of Energy4Life. Here's a summary of how it works:
PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies
Hundreds of human, double-bind studies – published in the most prestigious medical journals – have demonstrated how PEMF therapy can help with numerous conditions.
These non-invasive magnetic pulses generate small electrical signals in the tissue to enhance cellular repair, support inflammation reduction, promote bone growth, and more.
Bioresponsive Microcurrent Therapy
Operating at the electrical level of cellular signaling, microcurrent therapy is backed by countless studies showing its efficacy across a range of health conditions.
miHealth goes beyond this by using precise frequencies preferred by the body, based on the extraordinary concept of Global Scaling. And then having these signals respond in real time to the nervous system via the skin.
This continual and rapid change keeps the body from adapting and becoming desensitized to the signal, ensuring ongoing healing responses.
In this way, miHealth drives neuromodulation, as the brain sends a cascade of activity both to the site of focus and to the body's overall immune response.
PBMT: Photobiomodulation Therapy
Photobiomodulation therapy is widely used to promote skin rejuvenation and wound healing and stimulate mitochondrial activity.
It is also used as an alternative to needles in acupuncture, stimulating meridian points. And there is some evidence that it modulates nerve signals, enhancing the microcurrent stimulation of the built-in electrodes.
That’s why we’ve incorporated 5 low-level laser diodes for PBMT into the miHealth, so you can take a full-body approach to your wellness.
Frequency Optimization
Everything in the body is made of energy and emits frequency signals. These take part in the body's natural energy production and communication processes.
miHealth uses both PEMF and PBMT to carry proprietary frequency patterns into the body, optimizing these natural processes and supporting our natural ability to recover health, stay resilient, and feel energized for living our best lives.
Built-in Electrodes
Some bioelectric devices only work with "external" electrodes. This means that you need to plug in sticky patches to place on the body (and replace regularly) or other external units to interact with the skin. miHealth can do this as well, but it also has electrodes built in for immediate use and ease of portability.
Pulse Reading and Corrective Therapy
miHealth is the world's first technology to take inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to analyze the pulse and show you which organ systems are most in need of support ... and then to provide that support with proprietary settings at the push of a button.
As you can see, miHealth is really in a class of its own, because it uses a number of existing and effective therapies, combines them, and takes them to an entirely different level. Which is why our study on miHealth showed that 88% of people using it had symptomatic benefits after just 1 session with it, and this increased with additional use.
How Infoceuticals Work:
Infoceuticals are based on the theory that there is a subtle body-field driving the activity of the body, and that this body-field responds to non-chemical influences. We actually know the body does this because of the biological responses to electromagnetic fields as well as light and sound, both shown to alter the expression of DNA.
For more than a century, scientists have also frequently -- and independently -- discovered that water can carry non-chemical information. And as a result, something that simply looks like water can actually have biological effects (beyond hydration).
For instance, French immunologist Jacques Benveniste was a highly-respected researcher with more than 300 published scientific articles related to the study of molecular biology. Initially a skeptic about the idea of water carrying information, research carried out in his lab eventually showed him that this was possible. His team diluted human antibodies to the point of no original substance being left in the water, and yet the water still had a biological effect, as if the substance were still there! White blood cells literally reacted to the diluted water as if the antibodies were still present in the water.
Homeopathy works along these lines, as its dilutions leave little to no residue of an initial substance yet still stimulate a response in the body. While researchers have both proven and disproven this effect, more recent research suggests why we see both success and failure with homeopathy -- it seems to work better with certain substances and at very specific dilutions for each substance. When done right, homeopathy seems to show once more that water can carry information and drive biological change.
Homeopathy, however, relies on the body having enough energy and the correct information to have a healing response to a remedy. Under our theory, however, a body is often sick specifically because energy and information have been compromised in the body. So Infoceuticals take an opposite approach: rather than gently stressing the body with the information of herbs or toxins (as homeopathy often does) and hoping for a corrective response ... Infoceuticals actually guide the body toward the right response.
In other words, we use resonance (the "wireless" communication system of the body) to speak to the body and give information that acts as guideposts, helping the body to find its way back toward wholeness.
If you remember the math codes we talked about earlier -- specific codes that are in resonance with the way the body-field should operate -- we are able to imprint these into mineralized water. So when this water is introduced to the body, it's able to introduce those resonant qualities that the body-field should have.
This imprinting process takes place in a 10,000 volt electrostatic field, and the actual codes are imprinted with magnetic fields and photons. This is what alters the water and allows it to store the information that the body needs. This is an Infoceutical, and now you know why something that appears so simple can have a profound effect on the body.
Our Bioenergetic Wellness System allows you to:

1) Assess the body in just seconds for a detailed analysis of the body-field ... the underlying control system of all the body's activity.

2) Rejuvenate the body’s energy with powerful E4L miHealth therapies that clear blockages, release trigger points, and correct energy flow through the body.

3) Restore an optimal blueprint for the body to build itself from using Infoceuticals. This supports energy production and correct communication throughout the body.

If you're a health professional:
Contact us to discuss how the Bioenergetics Wellness System can enhance your healthcare practice in measurable ways for both you and your clients.
If you're looking for a qualified bioenergetic health professional:
Click here to find an Energy4Life practitioner near you ... or work remotely with any of our coaches if you find one that seems like the best fit!